Thursday, May 28, 2009

"I, do swear in the name of God....."

28th may 09...what a wonderful day for the people of kerala or atleast for the congress party in the state. 4 more ministers from the state have been included in the newly formed union cabinet, this in addition to the 2 cabinet ministers sworn in ealrier...making it a total of 6 for gods own country even though Napolean may disagree (according to him its 7, including his ministeral post as our former mundakkal shekaran has asked keralites to count him as their minister too..). As the title for this blog suggests, all the ministers have to swear in the name of god, during the ceremony. I wonder how a communist mp would have sworn in if he/she was selected. Will they start the statement swearing in the name of god as they are against god ideologically?
i also wonder what the ministers in present kerela government might have said during their swearing in ceremony. As i have not listened to any of those ceremony till now, iam curious...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The heartbreak kid

It's the month of May. Wolverine, star trek,transformers all line up for an action packed summer season.Although we get lots of car chases(or is it spaceship chase?), fights, witty dialogues.etc... it wont in certain give that last minute twist on which hangs your decision of liking the film or hating it. Have you ever watched something which you loved till the very last minute, but after the final minute of so called twist you hated it so much that you wanted to smash the screen? Now, not every person in this world will have the ooportunity of experiencing something like that. Thats the privilage of being a chelsea fan. After 92 minutes of happiness when you decide to record it and watch it again the next day, there comes that last minute twist in form of Iniestas precise shot past peter cech. This clearly tops the summer blockbuster chart for me.
The funny thing is, its the second summer season in running where chelsea was able to top the blockbuster chart, the first being 2008 final when the goal post decided to shrink a little bit to block terrys shot. That must have come straight from a harry potter inspired magic. If at all roman abr decides to make a movie ( i wish next summer and release simultaneausly with
next seasons heart brk match), it should be titled The heart break kid or fan or whatever.

fyi: Abhishek bachan who claims to be a chelsea fan is seen all in cheers holding the new chelsea kit just after the match!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do u know what Newton, Hawkings and Darwin have in common??

The answer is that they all are products of cambridge university.
Cambridge uni founded in1209 is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year!!!
check this out...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Godfather page 26...

I like reading. When i say that dont mistake me as a professional reader. No iam not. I am just an amateaur and probably the longest amateaur i know. But when i decide upon a book i finish it off at any cost. It all started back in 4rth year of my bachelors with 'Godfather'. The book was there in my library all the time but i never even dared to have a look at it as i was said it was a classic. Being a classic was a disqualification for me at that time. Back then PAMMAN was my favourite author . Whenever i get a Pamman's book from my friend shankar i would ask him "page number?" . I think there is no need to say further. I had almost read all Pamman books..err ... sorry pages by 4rth year. That was when we turned our attention to english "pages". And Godfather page 26 was my harisree . But i couldnt stop just by reading that page and thats how i readthrough a complete book for first time in my life. And from that point i have come a long way to become what iam amateaur!

And coincidently iam not the first one to start Godfather from page 26'. Here is a company.!5187B91811914FB4!289.entry

Sunday, April 20, 2008

This man talks too much...

Hawking's take on some big questions like did the universe begin? how did life begin? are we alone?etc...'watch' this talk carefully...he speaks by scrunching his right cheek up...
He is probably the only one of british origin to have an american accent, thanks to his computer which is built by americans...